

Address: Rutån 22, 780 51 Dala-Järna
Show map
Directions: From Vansbro.
Take route 26 towards Filipstad approx. 1 km. Turn left towards Grånäs, after approx. 3 km, turn right towards Rutån. Follow the signs Rutsbrogården. After approx 1,6 km turn right approx. 150 m and you will have Rutsbrogården located on the right side.
From Dala-Järna.
Run into Dala-Järna center, follow signs towards UPPSÄLJE. After approx. 7 km turn left towards Rutån. Follow the signs Rutsbrogården. After approx 1,6 km turn right approx. 150 m and you will have Rutsbrogården located on the right side.

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 60.4910568094736
Longitude: 14.3065810203552
Latitude: 60° 29' 28"
Longitude: 14° 18' 24"

For help:

Call us: (+47) 91803025

Terms and conditions

Book with us

  • • Reserve your tour online
  • • Quick and easy payment with VISA or Mastercard
  • • Receive your booking confirmation on e-mail

For help:

Call us: (+47) 91803025

Terms and conditions

Book with us

  • • Reserve your tour online
  • • Quick and easy payment with VISA or Mastercard
  • • Receive your booking confirmation on e-mail
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Skjolden Brygge
Phone: +47 91803025
