
Ellery Beach House

Address: ELFVIKS UDDE, 181 90 Lidingö
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Directions: How to find Ellery Beach House
Travelling to Ellery Beach House is simple.
Drive towards Lidingö. Keep to the right lane over the brigde and turn towards Bosön / Elfvik. Follow Norra Kungsvägen 9.4 km until Elfviks Udde. Signs point all the way to Ellery Beach House.
Subway / bus
Take the red metro line to Ropsten. Once there, change to bus #204 and get off at the Elfvik bus stop. The bus takes about 20 minutes. Signs point the way to Blue Hotel and the walk takes about 8 minutes.
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 59.364120
Longitude: 18.254052

GPS coordinates

Coordinates to device
Latitude: 59.3642707
Longitude: 18.253896
Latitude: 59° 21' 51"
Longitude: 18° 15' 14"

For help:

Call us: (+47) 91803025

Terms and conditions

Book with us

  • • Reserve your tour online
  • • Quick and easy payment with VISA or Mastercard
  • • Receive your booking confirmation on e-mail

For help:

Call us: (+47) 91803025

Terms and conditions

Book with us

  • • Reserve your tour online
  • • Quick and easy payment with VISA or Mastercard
  • • Receive your booking confirmation on e-mail
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Skjolden Brygge
Phone: +47 91803025
